"Still Taking Fish Oil? Check Out This NEW Warning..."
Omega-3s are crucial for supporting heart health,
your immune function, and a positive mood, but you may want to think twice
about the source you're getting them from...
especially when you read about this new warning.*
Two Simple Ways to Improve Your Health*
Two of the best and yet simple ways to improve your overall health with supplements include*:- Increasing your intake of antioxidants ...
- Increasing your intake of omega-3 oils ...
The Two Vital Fats That Are KEY to Your Health
I'm sure you've heard by now about two fats in omega-3 oils that are crucial to your health – DHA and EPA*. These compounds are not only essential to maintaining your health – scientific research indicates that they may also promote heart health and provide immune system and mood support.*Now in a perfect world, you would be able to get all the omega-3s you need by eating fish. Unfortunately, studies show that eating fish can potentially expose you to a high degree of contamination with industrial pollutants and toxins like mercury, PCBs, heavy metals and radioactive poisons.In fact, the FDA and EPA have put out health advisories warning against certain fish and shellfish consumption for young children, women who are pregnant or may become pregnant, and nursing mothers.I formerly recommended that you take fish oil to enhance your intake of omega-3 fats. And high-quality fish oils are certainly great products, with many important health benefits.But there are drawbacks.Such as... fish oil is weak in antioxidant content. As you increase your intake of omega-3 essential fatty acids by consuming fish oil, you may actually increase your need for even more antioxidant protection if the fish oil has been exposed to excessive amounts of oxygen or has become rancid.Why? Well, fish oil is perishable. Antioxidants help to ensure that the fish oil doesn't oxidize easily. As we just noted, oxidation leads to the formation of those unhealthy free radicals.This was a vexing problem for a long time...Until the discovery of krill oil – a marine oil that helps solve the dilemma by uniquely and synergistically combining antioxidants and omega-3s.It proved itself far superior to previously-recommended fish oils. Here's how...Powerful Antioxidants + Essential Omega-3 Oils = Startling Health*
When I first learned about this pure marine oil, I was extremely impressed with its many benefits and the solid research behind its unique combination of antioxidants, omega-3 oils and other ingredients*.The list of how krill oil supports you will likely impress you too:Many Ways Krill Oil Supports You*- A healthy heart*
- Support for concentration, memory and learning*
- Blood sugar health*
- Healthy joints, with an increase in joint comfort*
- Fighting your signs of aging*
- Healthy brain and nervous system function and development*
- Protection for cell membranes*
- Cholesterol and other blood lipid health*
- Healthy liver function*
- Bolstering your immune system*
- Healthy mood support*
- Optimal skin health*
New Warning About Omega-3 Supplements...
New lab testing from Consumer Lab reveals some disturbing lapses in quality among popular fish oil and krill oil supplements.These problems ranged from inaccurate labels, spoilage (including one in a children's product), and enteric-coated products that released too early. And sky-high PCBs in one designed for pets.What Another Independent Lab Discovered…
Meanwhile, independent testing was done to compare the three major manufacturers of krill oil. Our manufacturer is one of those three.Very strict protocol was applied to ensure the impartial blind testing of the three brands. Analytical tests were done by third party well established and well known labs.They analyzed levels of astaxanthin, omega-3 fatty acids, phospholipids and lyso-phosphatidylcholine, and freshness and safety indicators.Here are their most important results…The analysis clearly indicated that our manufacturer's krill oil contains the highest levels of EPA, DHA as well as total omega-3, compared to the other two.Astaxanthin is highly reactive (and is therefore a very potent antioxidant), so the lab used bulk krill oil from the three manufacturers to study the stability of astaxanthin.They concluded that one product was very unstable, one was moderately so, and the third – our manufacturer – was the clear winner for stability.When they tested freshness indicators, trimethylamine oxide (TMAO), trimethyl amine (TMA), and total volatile basic nitrogen (TVN), they found that krill oil manufactured by our manufacturer had the lowest (in most cases, undetectable) limits.In contrast, the krill oil produced by one company showed very high concentrations of TMA, TVN and TMAO, indicating spoilage… and in one case even unfit for human consumption according to the Commission Decision 95/149/EC. Click here to view the results for yourself.I am pleased to say that our manufacturer passed these tests at the top of the heap. But there's another reason why I believe New and Improved Krill Oil is superior…What's So Great About Licaps®?
We now deliver New and Improved Krill Oil in a "Licaps®" capsule instead of a softgel or caplique. Licaps use innovative “Fusion Technology” to seal a 2-piece capsule without the use of banding.This extraordinary liquid capsule technology can provide many beneficial advantages over others because it…- Reduces oxidation potential by flushing the liquid formulation with nitrogen during the capsule-filling process – Creates a ‘freshness bubble’
- Ensures 2-piece capsules are hermetically sealed to significantly reduce the potential for leakage – Yields a precisely tight, one-piece capsule
- Enhances shelf-life through exemplary filling and sealing processes
Over a Year Spent Selecting Just the Right Manufacturer
My team and I spent over 18 months doing our due diligence with the Licaps’ manufacturer before agreeing to any sort of partnership.Just as you look at credentials when you're hiring a contractor or an employee, it’s wise to highly scrutinize the credentials of the company making your supplements... and that’s exactly what I did with this manufacturer.In choosing the company to produce New and Improved Krill Oil, careful attention was paid to their quality processes… so you would have the very best krill oil product I could find to enhance your health. Here is just some of the history behind this innovative company…- Developed the concept of sealing a capsule without ‘banding,’ in response to consumer safety concerns in the late 1980s (called ‘Licaps’)
- Spent more than 15 years developing the Licaps capsule design and processes
- Successfully received cGMP certification for its facility in France in 2003
- Has been a world-leader in capsule manufacturing for more than a century – Has 10 manufacturing sites running 24/7 in the Americas, Asia, and Europe
- Produces over 50% of all 2-piece capsules out there today – more than 180 billion capsules on an annual basis
Pledge of Quality
There's another very important assurance that you are getting the very best quality product.Just as you look at credentials when you're hiring a contractor or an employee, so you'd be wise to look at the credentials of the company making your supplements.That's why our team chose the production company for our New and Improved Krill Oil very carefully, paying special attention to their quality practices – so you would have the very best product for your health.Our selected manufacturer relentlessly pursues superb quality control standards which include actions like...- Mapping out all key processes and monitoring them rigorously
- Establishing quality objectives for each product
- Internal audits to assess performance
- Appropriate testing at each stage of development
- Extensive documentation of all steps
Giant Whales Tell Their Tiny Health-Boosting Secret*
Just what are krill anyway?Krill are small shrimp or prawn-like creatures that feed the world's most mammoth animals – the great whales. Toothless great whales gulp down huge quantities of krill to provide the energy they need to fuel their massive bulk. A blue whale eats up to 8,000 pounds of krill each day during feeding season.they do for you?
Why EFA Balance is Critical to Your Health*
Essential fatty acids (EFAs) include both omega-3 fats (high in the vital compounds EPA and DHA) and omega-6 fats. EFAs cannot be manufactured in your body but are beneficial to normal health and metabolism.* Therefore, EFAs must be obtained through your diet.Although some omega-6 fats are good for your health, the balance of omega-6s to omega-3s is crucial.* Unfortunately, most people consume an overabundance of omega-6 fats.Your ancestors embraced a diet with a healthy balance of approximately equal omega-6 and omega-3 fats. But the current Western diet is far too high in omega-6 fats. The average omega-6 to omega-3 ratio is now closer to 20:1, and in some cases even 50:1. This can keep you from optimal health.Due to this imbalanced ratio, and because you could likely benefit from more omega-3 fats...*I strongly recommend adding New and Improved Krill Oil to your health arsenal.*Besides DHA and EPA, this unique marine oil has another "secret weapon" not found in fish oils which explains why I believe it's superior...Another Krill Secret Weapon
- Makes the omega-3 fats in New and Improved Krill Oil significantly more bioavailable than those in fish oil by allowing EPA and DHA to directly enter your cells.
- Improves your omega-3 to omega-6 ratio.
"How Evening Primrose Oil Puts an End to the Female Hormonal Blues*..."
One of the best ways to improve your prostaglandin production is to adjust your diet for maximum control of your insulin levels... by reducing or eliminating sugars and grains, and by developing an exhilarating exercise program which helps your body manage its insulin production.Of course, normalizing your vitamin D levels, getting adequate sleep, eating plenty of veggies, and optimizing your omega-3 levels all play a role in your optimal health and prostaglandin production.But if you're a typical seeker of high level of health, you probably want to enhance your prostaglandin production in all the ways you can...And that's precisely why I developed Krill for Women with Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) – especially with female health in mind.For your ease and convenience – and the synergistic effect of combining krill oil and EPO – I developed a product that merges them into one easy capsule.Consider this...
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