by Ben Werdmuller von Elgg
Can endometriosis cause shooting pain from the left side of the belly button down to the vagina?
Best answer:
yesAbsolutely, it is often a very painful condition. Pain can be anywhere in pelvic and vaginal region. Especially during, but not necessarily only during ovulation and menstruation.
Endometriosis in Wall of Fallopian Tube
Image by euthman
What causes endometriosis to develop into cancer?
Best answer:
Hi Leah. Sorry to read about your aunt and your mum. I hope they are doing better now.
I am a nurse and a fellow, longtime sufferer of endometriosis. Many things contribute to whether or not someone gets cancer, this could include (but isn't limited to): genetics, smoking/alcohol/drug consumption, amount of exposure to sunlight, dietary habits, etc (the list is long). Cancers and tumours that spread have certain characteristics as well. For example a tumour/s has an excellent blood supply, which it can create itself. Cancerous cells can easily break off and travel through the blood stream or lymphatic system. Some cancers run in families and occur in the same places (I once knew a nurse who said most of her family had suffered from lip melanomas or had died from them). Tumours can also grow extremely fast, others are slow growing. There is no rule of thumb saying someone will/will not get cancer, although some people have more risk factors, ie: smoking cigarettes for 30 years will put you at more risk for lung diseases/disorders and lung cancer.
If endometriosis is controlled, it probably will not evolve into cancer. However if left unchecked, the cells migrate to other parts of the body and could evolve into cancer (endometrial cells are highly migratory). I even read of a case in a nursing journal where a woman had bleeding from her ear every month, and it turned out she had endometrial cells in her ear which were bleeding when she menstruated!
The percentage of getting endometrial cancer from having endometriosis is anywhere from 40 - 70%. But nobody can give you absolute statistical numbers - they would probably frighten you anyway. For instance, just because you have endometriosis doesn't mean you WILL get endometrial cancer. Nobody can say if someone will or will not get cancer. Some people seem more predisposed to cancers than others, even when they lead a healthy lifestyle and have no or minimal risk factors (for reasons still largely unknown).
Getting cancer also depends upon your lifestyle. Your best bet is to control heavy bleeding (oral contraceptives can do this), eat healthy, don't smoke, cut down (or cut out) caffeine, limit alcohol, etc (you know the drill). Also control stress, like do yoga, pilates, exercise 3 x a week and don't get overly upset about things.
Worrying about whether or not you get cancer is fruitless. If you do get it, you can deal with it then. BUT MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: have regular pap smears - and for all you so called 'medical' buffs out there with no health degree - no, pap smears DO NOT detect endometrial cancer, but changes in the cell/tissue structure (this is one way to catch abnormalities or cancer/s early). Only laparoscopies and a biopsy/ies can detect endometrial cells or cancer. For any severe abdominal pain, unexplained, persistent bleeding, abnormal/unusual bloating, persistent nausea and/or vomiting, referred back or flank pain (any symptom or any pain unusual for you, or which you are worried about), see a Dr ASAP or attend your nearest emergency department immediately. Also most cancers have excellent treatment nowadays, so don't worry too much. Get out there and enjoy life as you are only 24!
Good luck.
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Orignal From: Can endometriosis cause shooting pain from the left side of the belly button down to the vagina?
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