Getting this fatty acid balance in the correct range is critical to keeping inflammation at low levels in the body. Overconsumption of omega 6 oils as is typical in the grain heavy Western diet rapidly causes inflammation with a sometimes unpredictable mix of symptoms based on one’s genetic predisposition
Why Flax Oil is Not a Good Substitute for Cod Liver Oil
by on APRIL 27, 2011in HEALTHY LIVING 25 69share94Flax Oil Does Not Contain Fat Soluble Vitamins
Cod liver oil, particularly the fermented kind, contains an ample amount of the fat soluble vitamins A and D and even some K. Traditional cultures studied by Dr. Weston A. Price consumed these fat soluble activators at a rate 10X greater than Americans living in the 1920′s and 1930′s!A daily dose of cod liver oil is an important insurance policy for maintaining health as these fat soluble vitamins supercharge mineral absorption in the diet and work synergistically to maintain immune function at a high level.Flax oil contains no fat soluble vitamins A,D, and K because it is derived from a plant food. While some plant foods contain vitamin K1, vitamins A and D are not found in any plant foods and must be obtained from animal foods. Also note that beta carotene is not true vitamin A as is frequently and erroneously claimed.The Omega 3 Fats in Flax Oil Are Different
The omega 3 fats in cod liver oil are primarily in the form of DHA and EPA which are in a ready usable form for the brain and neurological system. The omega 3 fats in flax oil are in the form of alphalinolenic acid (ALA), which must be converted by the body into EPA and DHA. If you have any digestive imbalance issues, which most Westerners do to some degree, the conversion of ALA into the critical EPA and DHA is unknown and more than likely insufficient to maintain health.Therefore, it is risky to take flax oil and assume that the conversion of ALA into EPA and DHA is sufficient for your body’s needs. It is better to consume a high quality cod liver oil to obtain EPA and DHA directly with no guesswork and finger crossing involved.Natural Cholesterol is Not Bad for You
The comment regarding cod liver oil raising cholesterol levels was particularly concerning to me.The natural cholesterol in animal fats like cod liver oil is very important for tissue repair and brain function which explains why cholesterol levels rise slowly as we age. It is important to note that women with the highest cholesterol live the longest! This is probably because natural cholesterol provides the precursors necessary for the production of natural steroids in the body that protect against heart disease and cancer.So, what cholesterol is bad for us?It is the oxidized or rancid cholesterol found in processed foods that should be avoided.Consuming oxidized cholesterol raises the risk of inflammatory conditions like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.This is why the cholesterol in raw milk is healthy but the oxidized cholesterol in pasteurized skim milk is bad for you (added in the form of highly processed milk powder which adds body)If grasping the difference between good cholesterol and bad cholesterol in your diet seems difficult at first, consider that coronary heart disease prior to 1920 was extremely rare in America, but during that same period, Americans consumed butter and cream with abandon!It is only since the rise of processed foods and factory fats that gained momentum after World War II that heart disease, cancer and diabetes rates began to skyrocket.Therefore, enjoy a tablespoon of flax oil added to each cup or so of homemade salad dressing, but never consider it an adequate substitute for your high vitamin, fermented cod liver oil!Sarah, TheHealthyHomeEconomist.comSources: Nourishing Traditions Cookbook, p. 20.
Thursday, September 1, 2011BreakfastGrassfed sausage, raw grassfed milk, homemade ginger ale1/4 tsp high vitamin butter oil, 1/2 tsp fermented cod liver oil, 1/2 tsp fermented skate liver oilLunch (at school)Antibiotic free turkey slices, organic fruit roll, veggie stix, organic grapesDinnerHomemade chicken nuggets (cooked in coconut oil), organic green beans cooked in butter, raw grassfed milkFriday, September 2, 2011BreakfastSprouted toast with sunflower butter, raw grassfed milk1/4 tsp high vitamin butter oil, 1/2 tsp fermented cod liver oil, 1/2 tsp fermented skate liver oilLunch (at school)Boiled egg, organic fruit roll, homemade macaroons, veggie stixDinnerRice mac & cheese, grassfed beef with juices, organic cucumber and carrots, raw grassfed milkSaturday, September 3, 2011BreakfastSprouted toast with sunflower butter and raw honey, kombucha1/4 tsp high vitamin butter oil, 1/2 tsp fermented cod liver oil, 1/2 tsp fermented skate liver oilLunchHomemade chicken soup (soup had rice and veggies in it), raw grassfed milkSnackCarob chips and organic lollipop at a movieDinnerSoaked waffles, bacon, peas cooked in butter, raw grassfed milkSunday, September 3, 2011BreakfastSoaked waffles, raw grassfed milk, kombucha1/4 tsp high vitamin butter oil, 1/2 tsp fermented cod liver oil, 1/2 tsp fermented skate liver oilSnackOrganic peanut butter and raw honey on a spoonLunchGrassfed burger, carrot stix, orange juiceDinnerHomemade chicken soup (with veggies and rice in it), raw grassfed milkMonday, September 5, 2011BreakfastSoaked waffles, raw grassfed milk, kombucha1/4 tsp high vitamin butter oil, 1/2 tsp fermented cod liver oil, 1/2 tsp fermented skate liver oilLunchGrilled cheese with bacon, broccoli cooked in butterSnackMilkshake (made with raw vanilla ice cream)DinnerPastured chicken with broth, asparagus cooked in butter, raw grassfed milkTuesday, September 6, 2011BreakfastSprouted toast with sunflower butter, raw grassfed milk, kombucha1/4 tsp high vitamin butter oil, 1/2 tsp fermented cod liver oil, 1/2 tsp fermented skate liver oilLunch (at school)Roast beef, sprouted pretzels, organic fruit roll, organic raspberry pop tartSnacksOrganic lollipop, milkshake (made with raw ice cream)DinnerGrassfed burger, broccoli cooked in butter, cucumbers, raw grassfed milkWednesday, September 7, 2011BreakfastOrganic peanut butter and raw honey on sprouted toast, raw grassfed milk, kombucha1/4 tsp high vitamin butter oil, 1/2 tsp fermented cod liver oil, 1/2 tsp fermented skate liver oilLunch (at school)Boiled egg, organic fruit roll, sprouted pretzels, carob chipsSnackOrganic lollipop, sunflower butter toastDinnerPastured chicken, broccoli cooked in butter, raw grassfed milk
I know one of the very first questions I will get about this food diary is where to get the high vitamin butter oil, fermented cod liver oil and fermented skate liver oil. Only one company in the world makes these high quality whole foods supplements and it is the only brand of cod liver oil I personally would give my children. Click here to find out about Green Pasture Products.Was this food diary helpful to you? Did you get any ideas for your own kids’ meals and school lunches?
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